About Us

Who We Are

The Africa Water Justice Network (AWJN) is a diverse coalition of organizations committed to ensuring unhindered access to quality water for all people, particularly the poor and vulnerable. We firmly believe in the principles of water as a fundamental human right, the protection of our common heritage, and the importance of public ownership and control of water resources.

We stand united against the commodification of water and reject all forms of privatization as solutions to the challenges facing the water sector in Africa. We firmly oppose the neoliberal capitalist logic that burdens the poor and working class with the failures of privatization and the limitations of the state.

The Africa Water Justice Network is committed to defending social and environmental rights, ensuring justice for marginalized groups such as workers, women, children, and persons living with disabilities, and protecting our natural environment.  

Our Objectives

Universal Access to Water: We aim to conduct a broad-based campaign to ensure that all Africans and people worldwide have access to adequate and affordable portable water by the year 2030.

Constitutional Recognition: We strive to guarantee the explicit recognition of the right to water in the constitutions of African countries and advocate for its effective implementation.

Public Ownership and Management: We are dedicated to ensuring that the ownership, control, and management of water services remain in public hands, safeguarding the interests of communities and the environment.

Awareness and Debate: We seek to promote public awareness and foster informed debates about water privatization, environmental challenges, and climate impacts on water availability in Africa.

Alternative Solutions: We endeavor to promote alternative and intersectional solutions to the barriers preventing universal access to water. These solutions include addressing issues of resource redistribution, improving public management efficiency, and enhancing meaningful public consultation.


ACAN (African Creative Action Network)
Arab Peace League Organization Branch Manager MOROCCO
Association Éco Tourisme Environnement
Association marenostrum Cherchell
Blue Planet Project
Cameroonian Institute of Food Science and Technology /Net Zero as soon as possible
Chemichemi Ya Matumaini (CYM)
Children and Young People Living for Peace (CYPLP)
Comité de suivi de approvisionnement en eau potable de la commune de Thionck Essyl
Community Assistance in Development
Diamond Production Sénégal
End Water Poverty
Friends of Franbarnie International (FOFI)
Front pour une Révolution Anti-impéraliste Populaire et Panafricaine (FRAPP)
Goldfields Community Forum
Grana nostra
Green Diversity Foundation
Green Scenery
International Labour, Research & Information Group (ILRIG)
Jamma Children Foundation
Mauritania environnement
Mouvement Tamba Conscient
NAC – Núcleo dos Activistas de Cabinda – Sociedade Civil
National Association of Youth Organizations (NAYO)
National Coordinating Organization for Farmers Associations The Gambia (NACOFAG)
One More Percent
ONG Un Samedi Au village
Powering Young Initiatives
Probity and Accountability Watch Initiative (PAWI)
Renascedd ONG
Social Innovation Africa
Southern Region Water Board
Stop the Wall Campaign
Survival Aid The Gambia (SAG)
Taasi Ya Jamii Social Development
Vision Africa Regional Network Zambia
Water integrity Network
Watershed Investigations
Women In grassroots uprising (WIGSUP)
Women in grassroots uprising initiative
Young Women Growing
Young Women Growing Kenya
Youth Association of Sierra Leone
Youth Meeting, Senegal

Join Us!

We invite organizations, activists, and concerned individuals to join our network and contribute to our collective efforts in achieving water justice for all. Together, we can make a difference and create a future where water is accessible, affordable, and safeguarded for the well-being of our communities and the sustainability of our continent. Click here to become a member of the AWJN!

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