
Reports and other publications produced by the AWJN and our partners.

From Silos to A Pan-African Front: The Africa Water Justice Network, Uniting Water Commoning Struggles Against Capital
Millions on the African continent do not have access to clean drinking water. The current state can be traced back to Africa’s colonial past, when water was claimed and used for colonial economic projects only, with access for social uses restricted based on race and class. This legacy continues today, as water resources are being privatized by corporations that create artificial scarcity through unequal distribution. The Africa Water Justice Network (AWJN) emerged to unite like-minded movements across the continent, at both national and local levels, in order to achieve common ownership of water resources.
Christina Mfanga

Rivers of Resistance: Water for Life, no Profit
A report co-published by Transnational Institute (TNI), Platform for Public Community Partnerships of the Americas (PAPC), The Catalan Association of Engineering Without Borders (ESF), Blue Planet Project, and Corporación Ecológica y Cultural Penca de Sábila, April 2023
Adrian Murray with Fany Lobos and Javier Márquez

The South African water sector: Municipal Dysfunction, Resistance, and Future Pathways
A report for the Alternative World Water Forum, March 2022
Suraya Scheba

DRYING OUT AFRICAN LANDS: Expansion of LargeScale Agriculture Threatens Access to Water in Africa
A report for the Alternative World Water Forum, March 2022
The Oakland Institute

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