November 2023

A Cry for Water: Cape Town’s Urgent Plea for Equity Before Christmas

In the city of Cape Town, where disparities in water access have created a stark divide, the African Water Commons Collective issued a passionate plea to Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis and city officials. In an open letter addressed to the Mayor, the collective outlined ten urgent demands that, if unmet, threaten to cast a shadow over the festive season for the majority of Cape Town’s residents.

A Cry for Water: Cape Town’s Urgent Plea for Equity Before Christmas Read More »

Empowering Communities: Water Justice Activists’ Impact at the All Africa Conference of Churches General Assembly

The Christian Ecumenical Center in Abuja, Nigeria, witnessed a convergence of minds and hearts from the 20th to the 23rd of November 2023 during the All Africa Conference of Churches General Assembly. On the sides of this significant gathering was a commitment to a cause that transcends borders and faiths – water justice.

Empowering Communities: Water Justice Activists’ Impact at the All Africa Conference of Churches General Assembly Read More »

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